Cream Cleanser Natural

Multi-purpose Cleaner Bio-based ingredients

CREAM CLEANSER NATURALis a multi-purpose plant-based cleanser with a ready-to-use formula that removes soap scum, organic residues and stubborn stains.

Packaging Variation

Manufacturer code UPC Size A100945-12cy 841728111117 12 x 32oz


Production Specifications

CREAM CLEANSER NATURAL is a multi-purpose plant-based cleanser that easily removes soap scum, organic residues and hard water salts, scuffs, grease, rubber marks and stubborn stains while using bio-based ingredients.

CREAM CLEANSER NATURAL is formulated to penetrate and remove difficult soils, rust tarnish, and other similar deposits from oxidized metal surfaces, leaving surfaces cleaner and brighter.






No added fragrance



Directions for Use


General Cleaning:

Squeeze a small amount of CREAM CLEANSER NATURAL onto a damp cloth and wipe over surface. Agitate to loosen soil then rinse with water or a damp cloth. On metal surfaces, polish with a clean, dry cloth to create a bright shine.

Toilets & urinals: Squeeze a small amount of CREAM CLEANSER NATURAL onto a brush or swab. Scrub soiled area and rinse by flushing.

Soft or delicate surfaces: Test on an inconspicuous place first before using.

NOTE: Difficult stains will require dwell time. This product is specially formulated to safely remove rust tarnish and other similar deposits from oxidized metal surfaces.

FOR USE IN FOOD PLANTS: All food should be removed or covered prior to use and food contact surfaces are to be thoroughly rinsed with potable water so there will be no contamination of food as a result of its use.


  • Metal surfaces
  • Hard surfaces
  • Toilet bowls
  • Urinals
  • Sinks & faucets
  • Shower stalls
  • Chrome fixtures
  • Decorative metal
  • Porcelain
  • Countertops
  • Ceramic tiles

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